
Social Network Analysis at NC State

WolfWebs Affiliates Events Coursework

Spring 2025 Speaker Series

Yang-chih Fu, “Contact Networks: A Bottom-up Perspective of Social Structures”

Previous Events

A Brief Introduction to Social Network Analysis and Its Applications

Scott Duxbury, “A General Framework for Micro Macro Analysis in Social Networks”

Craig Rawlings, “Ideology and Influence: Sociocognitive Foundations of Belief Change”

Omar Lizardo, “Coasting on Duality: Generalized Similarities, Positional Analysis, and the Correspondence Analysis of Two-Mode Networks”

Diane Felmlee, “Who Takes the Risks? A Network Analysis of Online Dating”

Christina Prell, “Which Networks Matter, and at Which Scale? Considering How Social Networks Drive Climate Change and Shape Adaptations”

Ronald Breiger, “Regression Modeling as a Special Case of Network Analysis”

Kathleen Carley, “The Power of High Dimensional Networks”

Emily Erikson, “Network Structure, Specialization, and the Division of Labor”

James Moody, “Advances in Social Network Visualization”

Zachary Brown, “Biblio-NET-rics: Social Network Analysis of Co-Authorship Data”